The PDMP Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) continuously strives to keep prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and other stakeholders informed and current on the issues that concern and impact PDMPs. Legislative and regulatory change is an area TTAC monitors in order to provide an in-depth overview of PDMPs across the United States. TTAC has compiled a complete listing of all state PDMP statutes and regulations. The report is broken down by topic area (e.g., data transmitters, authorized recipients, mandatory query provisions) for each state, territory, and jurisdiction with a PDMP. The information in the report is based on the statutes and regulations in each jurisdiction and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. TTAC will strive to keep the information current with routine updates. The statutory and regulatory citations included in the report are current through June 30, 2019. A copy of the report can be found here: Statutes and Regulations.
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